

Conímbriga, Roman Ruins, Archaeological Site in Condeixa-a-Nova

Conímbriga, Roman Ruins, Archaeological Site in Condeixa-a-Nova

Conímbriga is one of the largest Roman settlements excavated in Portugal, and was classified as a National Monument in 1910. Located in the civil parish of Condeixa-a-Velha e Condeixa-a-Nova, in the municipality of Condeixa-a-Nova, it is situated 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) from the municipal seat and 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) from Coimbra (the Roman town of Aeminium). Conímbriga is one of the 10 best Roman ruins outside Rome. Conímbriga is a walled […]

Coimbra, The Middle Ages, The Almedina and The Arrabalde Mediavel

Coimbra, The Middle Ages, The Almedina and The Arrabalde Mediavel

The reconquest of the territory was attained in 1064 by King Ferdinand I of León and Castile, who appointed Dom Sisnando Davides to reorganize the economy and administer the lands encircling the city. The County of Portucale and the County of Coimbra were later integrated into one dominion under the stewardship of Henry of Burgandy byAlfonso VI of León and Castile in 1096, when Henry married […]

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