Heritage tourism

Heritage tourism

Aeminium, The Roman Coimbra

Aeminium, The Roman Coimbra

Aeminium was the ancient name of the city of Coimbra, in Portugal. The Romans founded the civitas of Aeminium in this place at the time of Augustus, which came under the protection of nearby Conimbriga situated some 15 km away to the south. Cryptoporticus of the ancient forum of Aeminium, under the Machado de Castro Museum. The remains of this distant past, the Cryptoporticus, can be visited on the […]

Conímbriga, Roman Ruins, Archaeological Site in Condeixa-a-Nova

Conímbriga, Roman Ruins, Archaeological Site in Condeixa-a-Nova

Conímbriga is one of the largest Roman settlements excavated in Portugal, and was classified as a National Monument in 1910. Located in the civil parish of Condeixa-a-Velha e Condeixa-a-Nova, in the municipality of Condeixa-a-Nova, it is situated 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) from the municipal seat and 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) from Coimbra (the Roman town of Aeminium). Conímbriga is one of the 10 best Roman ruins outside Rome. Conímbriga is a walled […]

Medievel House in Coimbra

Medievel House in Coimbra

This old house situated at the confluence of the street rua Sargento-Mor, da rua dos Gatos e Adro de Cima, is of the oldest houses of Coimbra. It is a feature of medieval house with rebounds uneven wooden floors in the main facade. The walls are “half-timbered” and the windows have jambs painted wood. It […]

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